Conference fee and registration

Please register for the conference participation using this FORM

  Early registration Regular registration
(if paid before April 20th) (if paid after April 20th)
Regular participants 400 EUR / 1700 PLN        210 EUR / 950 PLN 450 EUR / 1950 PLN             225 EUR / 1020 PLN
Full-time Student * 250 EUR / 1100 PLN        125 EUR / 560 PLN 300 EUR / 1300 PLN             155 EUR / 700 PLN
PhD consortium ** 200 EUR / 900 PLN          100 EUR / 460 PLN 250 EUR / 1100 PLN             125 EUR / 560 PLN
* A valid proof document is required
** Only presenters at PhD consortium are entitled to this registration fee

Payment in PLNPayment in EUR

Tytuł przelewu: Nr zlecenia 2001/0030/19

Bank: Santander Bank Polska SA
Nazwa konta: Politechnika Wrocławska
Numer konta: 37 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0434

Title of transfer: Order No 2001/0030/19

Bank: Santander Bank Polska SA
Account Name: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Account Number: PL91 1090 2402 0000 0006 1000 0626
Currency: EUR

           dane niezbędne do wystawienia faktury:

           Nazwa Firmy:



           Ewentualne uwagi:

           invoice data are necessary:

           Company name:


           VAT number:

           Remarks (optional):


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